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We make a small commission directly from the property. So we can help you find the best specials and rates, and make a stress free decision on your next apartment home.
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Why spend weeks looking for an apartment? Five minutes with us can save hours. Need more time? Look through out online database at your convenience, 24/7.
From neighborhoods to amenities, our agent’s expertise are unsurpassed. Tell us what your needs are and we'll share available units.
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Find Your Next Apartment has a simple goal:
To make finding an apartment easy, and maybe even a little fun.

We’re much more than a search site. We’re a team of helpful humans, here for you with the insight of a local, the care of a friend, and the service of a concierge. It’s the service you never knew you needed, but always wanted.

How it works

Find Your Next Apartment works with hundreds of Apartment communities in Dallas, Houston, Austin and San Antonio to find you the perfect home.Our up-to-date property availability and pricing data to help you find the top deals, values, and the true cost of your next apartment. Our unique database and years of knowledge provide rental amenities, fees, neighborhood info, school districts, pet restrictions and more — everything easy to access, upfront.
Chat with an Expert Agent
Share your move-in date, budget and wish-list, then sit back and let our team find options that suit your needs.
Tour Favorite Places
We’ll coordinate your tour schedule and even join you if you’d like. All you have to do is apply once you find the perfect fit.
Make Your Move
Sign the lease, notify your leasing agent and we'll follow up with the property ensure a smooth move into your new home.
Claim Your Reward up to $200
Just mention “Find your next apartment” on your rental application and on guest card when you visit the apartment communities. That’s all there is to it.

Check what other people are saying about their experience working with Find Your Next Apartment

If I were to redo my apartment search, I’d contact Find Your Next Apartment first! So helpful, I can’t believe it’s a free service. I worked with jennifer and she is awesome! Super friendly, quick, and accessible.
